It is New Year’s Eve. This is the evening of the year when we are most likely to look both back and forward.
We are all very likely to hear — and to sing — Auld Lang Syne this evening at least once. What does that even mean? Roughly translated, those three words mean Times Gone By. The song is about remembering friends and experiences from the past and not letting them be forgotten.
The first verse of the song asks,
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne.
Dreamers And Giants
On New Year’s Day last year DreamersAndGiants was launched to help us look back at those who have Dreamed West Virginia Wesleyan into being and those whose Dreams have kept us moving forward. Some have truly attained the status of Giants in this endeavor. Click here to learn more about the inspiration for such a venture. It has been a great first year, and much has been accomplished. There is still a LOT to do!! exists with the hope that we will all become better acquainted with the history of West Virginia Wesleyan and those who have been here in “Times Gone By.” During the past year, besides curating the stories on, I have had the honor of teaching a course on the subject to a total of 70 students.
One of them had this to say:
Knowing that Wesleyan has a long good history makes it feel comfortable in the fact that it will continue down the road. Hearing that we made it through all the wars and the Great Depression and survived doing well makes me feel confident about the future of the college.
As we prepare to ring in 2019 this evening at midnight, I look forward to making more lists, collecting more stories, sharing more pictures, and writing more blog posts to share to help us all become more acquainted with WVWC.
I join former president Scarborough in his New Year’s wish from 69 years ago:
The students have finished their games, concerts, plays, readings, exams, presentations, and all manner of group activities for the fall.
The faculty and staff have finished lecturing, mentoring, encouraging, and at times nagging the students for the fall. They have graded the papers and exams, have turned in their grades, and are spending time with their families.
Soon it will all begin again. As it has since 1890.
There is more to be taught and learned, more to be written and read, more games to be played, more music to be made.
But for today Campus is quiet.
Merry Christmas to all of the Dreamers and the Giants of West Virginia Wesleyan College – Past….Present…and Future.
Do you have your Christmas shopping finished yet? How about a few suggestions, tips and advertisements from local stores in Buckhannon through the years? And some hopes and dreams and a letter to Santa from Wesleyan Students?
A quality photograph is always a good choice. Or some school supplies!
From Seminary Collegiate December 1900
Shoes, slippers, umbrellas……or maybe a Mandolin.
From the Seminary Collegiate December 1901
Hats are popular, or other Gents’ Furnishings. And money saved on every purchase at Levinstein’s.
From the Seminary Collegiate December 1901
Or, you could have headed on down to John H. Fisher across from the Court House to pick up a High School Spoon or an Ink Well. This is a Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver with much to offer the shopper.
But, while doing your shopping, don’t forget to think of others as well. Buckhannon has long been a place where generosity lives as you can tell from this ad in the Pharos in December 1904.
From the December 1904 edition of the Pharos
During the Great Depression, the Pharos included an article urging students to look around them to see who might be needing some compassion and Christmas cheer. Still great advice!
From December 1934 Pharos
This letter from student Angeline Saunders in 1942 shows that all along students have had many of the same thoughts and requests of Santa Claus. Hers, however, does show that World War II was impacting her life at the time. The print is small on this image, so I will transcribe the letter below.
Angeline Saunders 1942
From the Pharos in December 1942
Only three more weeks, and Wesleyan’s students can already hear the sleigh bells ringing (also the drone of the buses and trains) and hear the booming hearty laughter of one Mr. Chris Cringle, alias Santa Claus. Wash your faces, children, and don’t worry about the consequences. Santa Claus knows everybody and in spite of all camouflage, never forgets a face. Yes, sir, Wesleyan students are awaiting eagerly the arrival of the old philanthropist from the North Pole, and a co-ed has taken time off from her busy daily routine to write a letter to him telling him of her immediate needs, omitting those non-essential things. Here it is:
Buckhannon, W. Va.
Tuesday, 9:30 p.m.
Dear Santa Claus:
It’s been such a long and trying year, that it seems ages since I last wrote to you. I’ve been having a pretty hard time, too, and I’m really going to need help from you in order to survive. I’m being convinced more and more that in college, too many people believe in the theory of the survival of the fittest. Need I say more? You are the only one I can really appeal to. There are a few things I want to you to give me for Christmas, things that only you can give.
First of all, I want you to give my professors soft, kind hearts and heads (or am I asking for the impossible?). Anyway, make them stop giving me so much work to do, and realize that I am really working myself to the bone and I can do only so much and no more. Make them feel sorry for me, and start patting me on the back instead of bawling me out when I’m not prepared.
Because, really, Santa, I can’t help it. I study harder than I should, but my schedule has so many osophy’s and logy’s in it that I’m in what a philosopher would call a dilemna. Well, what I want you to do in some way is to take me out of this bewilderment. Fix it up so that I get it a little easier, make me a little bit smarter (am I being tactful?) I want to be warmed by the fire of learning but I don’t want to be left holding the torch.
There are a few things I would like for you to do for my personal comfort, too. I understand that you have a mechanic who rigs up strange devices and can remedy almost anything. Please have him go around to all of the rooms in the dormitory and either fix the alarm clocks so that they go off at once, or fix them so that they don’t ring at all. (That’s best). It’s hard enough to have to get out of bed at the crack of dawn at the jangling of your own clock, but to have it followed by twenty-five others equally as jangly is anything but funny. And while he’s in the dormitory, have him check the showers while he’s there. I complained to you of this last year, but they’re acting up again. They’re hot when they should be cold, scalding warm when they should be nice and warm, and most of the time just freezing. You’ll really have to have this remedied if you expect me to be alive to write you another letter.
Send me, in or out of a box, a nice, big handsome boy friend. It doesn’t matter where you find him as long as you don’t send one of your Eskimo cronies. He doesn’t have to be smart, just good-looking. I don’t expect to have this wish granted because of the government priorities.
Make me a true friend who will be able to laugh at those rotten jokes that my friends insist on telling and going into hysterics over, make me stop being the inspiration for moron jokes, and don’t let me be a guinea pig for life’s experiments anymore.
I suppose you’re tired of my I-wanta complex, but I’ve really been a good girl. I have been behaving, have said no mean things to anyone, and am in bed by 10:00 o’clock every night except Saturday, then I go to bed at 10:30. In addition to that, I do two good deeds for people every day, and I still have my girl scout badge, and can sing the Indian scout song.
I really feel that I can count on you for these wishes. See, I’m not asking for simple things that anyone could grant, I’m asking for essential things. The only material thing I ask for is a booklet on “How To Knit In Ten Easy Lessons”. What with the war and everything, a girl has to have something to take her time up with. However, if you’re out of stock, as I imagine they’re in demand, send me a copy of “Live Alone And Like It”. That should serve the purpose.
Well, I guess I’d better quit, before I wear out my welcome. I will leave you, on Christmas eve, a Coca-cola and a bar of Baby Ruth candy, because the advertisements say you like them best, also a razor blade in case the trip is hard and you need a shave. I will not forget you, please do not forget me.
I hope you do not mind other people reading your mail. They will not tell anyone anything, so don’t worry. I’m looking forward to seeing you, and I hope you appreciate the fact that your reindeer don’t use tires or run on gasoline. You might run into difficulties.
A hopeful Helper, Wishful Winona.
P.S. In case the Pony Express up in the North Pole delivers this too late, I will celebrate two Christmases. You go right ahead. WW.
President Carl Gregg Doney Was Inspirational in 1910
In the 1910 Murmurmontis, President Doney wrote a letter “to the student.” He begins by congratulating them on being college students and then proceeds to explain the qualities of a student and the opportunities and responsibilites that are involved.
Since the font is quite small, I have transcribed this letter into a more readable format.
President Doney’s Letter to the Student from the 1910 Murmurmontis
I congratulate you upon being a college student. A college student is no ordinary person. He is a chosen vessel. He has chosen himself by virtue of his love and appreciation of scholarship and ideals and inner power. He has chosen himself to be discontented with average attainment. A vision somewhere fell upon his life and he has gone out to realize it.
A student is an investment. A hundred generations lay their treasures at his feet asking him to take them up and to possess them. A grateful and expectant nation has expended wealth untold to make him possible; and parents lavish love and hope and prayer and sacrifice upon him. Home and business and church and state are under burdens which he must learn to bear with strength and courage.
You should clearly tell yourself why you are here. Motive always counts; and with you it will be either a high-souled melody to make life a glory or a dull discord to drive you to unworthy tasks. Your motive must lie outside a selfish interest. The self-centered man has chosen a poor sun for his universe; it can neither hold his planets in their proper orbits nor light them on their way. You are here to make a big success of life; and that is well, provided you measure success with the right yard-stick. You must know that greater problems await you than ever engaged a former generation. If you solve them merely to obtain applause or wealth or ease the black line of selfishness will mar your monument; if you truly serve your generation by the will of God and for love of men your statue will be pure and white.
You should know that knowledge means consequent power and this is to be interpreted in terms of responsibility. Each year you will find yourself camped upon new heights. If you are true, you will use these captured bulwarks for still finer conquests, making your strength a servant which promotes the good of all.
You should get the spirit of your College. A college has a spirit as you have a personality. No college whose spirit is sordid or unchristian is worthy to be your alma mater; leave it; go where the ruling purpose, the thing which the college most wants to give you, is to have you live out the life that is brave and clean and strong. I think that is the spirit of Wesleyan. I am sure it is the spirit of every teacher and nearly every student; and you will play yourself false not to allow it to become your spirit, too.
Do not starve your spiritual nature. Character is the cornerstone of every lasting structure and character does not grow out of neglect. It is nurtured and brought to light in Jesus Christ. It would be a poor outcome for you if with all your getting of knowledge, you did not give your deepest feelings and best thoughts to the culture of that which is fundamental. Make up your mind that here in Wesleyan you will fully realize yourself, that you will be educated to a rich, full, strong life of which the world shall get the benefit.
The Inspiration Continues Today
The following is written by Paula McGrew and her WVWC History students in response to President Doney’s letter.
Each fall I have my First Year Seminar students to read this letter. Over and over it has been a powerful inspiration to them as well. They use words like inspired and motivated, and some even indicate gratitude that he wrote it and that I made them read it. Some of the sections that they highlight every single year include:
You should clearly tell yourself why you are here.
Make your mind that here at Wesleyan you will fully realize yourself, that you will be educated to a rich, full, strong life of which the world shall get the benefit.
A college student is no ordinary person.
The self-centered man has chosen a poor sun for his universe; it can neither hold his planets in their proper orbits nor light them on their way.
A student is an investment.
You should know that knowledge means consequent power and this is to be interpreted in terms of responsibility.
That the spirit of Wesleyan is the desire of all of your faculty members to have you live out the life that is brave and clean and strong. I think that is the spirit of Wesleyan.
President Doney, 1910 Murmurmontis
President Carl Gregg Doney’s Message For the Ages
At the end of each semester, many of my faculty colleagues find that some students have fully embraced the opportunities to learn and the responsibilities of using that knowledge. They are also often frustrated by those students who have not taken advantage of the opportunities before them.
I encourage us all to take a look at President Doney’s Letter to the Student. The one that he wrote in 1910 and that still speaks to students today. It is timeless and powerful.
Click here to read more comments from students about how they are inspired and motivated by these words. Names have been withheld, but these are all actual submissions from students in the years between 2019 and 2024.
Some people start the Christmas season in August, or at the very least during the week of Thanksgiving.
Lessons and Carols 2018 (Photo by Dewayne R. Lowther)
For me, though, it can never really be the Christmas season until the Festival of Lessons and Carols at WVWC. There is just something about the music, the chapel itself, the organ cranked up and many voices joining together as we sing, “O Come All Ye Faithful” or “Joy to the World.”
Although there were musical celebrations and concerts from way back in the 1890s, and for awhile it was a combination of the Hanging of the Greens and the music, the present form of this program began in earnest in 1980.
Early Years
There have been choir concerts, band concerts, orchestra concerts, and every combination of these things through the years to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child. The joy and the sense of community at these celebrations has been around for a long time.
Here are some examples from Christmas 1961, shown in the January 1962 issue of the Sundial. This was the first year for a special group of choir members, the Wesleyan Chorale, under the direction of Irma Hopkins Collins.
Hanging of the Greens
During Christmas of 1961, another Wesleyan Christmas Tradition was born. For many years both the Hanging of the Greens and the Lessons and Carols were combined into one program, although that is no longer the case.
The January 1962 Sundial also explains this tradition and provides us with an accompanying photograph.
Climaxing the Christmas observances “The Hanging of the Green” joined the list of traditions at Wesleyan on December 12. This enactment of an ancient English custom involved the legend of the hanging of the green as well as the relating of the significance of the laurel, mistletoe, holly, and ivy in the folklore of the English people. A wreath including the four Christmas greens was presented to James Stansbury, assistant to the president, who accepted it on behalf of President Stanley H. Martin who was ill.
The music has been beautiful, haunting, expressive, and joyous in this format for 38 years, always done with care and hard work. From year to year the styles of music have changed – sometimes with organ and piano only, other years with brass or woodwind choirs or harp or chamber orchestras, cello, or violin. But always the choirs are well prepared and present a gift to the assembled crowd.
Always the traditional readings have been included. The readers have changed from year to year, generally including campus leaders from all areas of the community. Lists of participants reads like a Who’s Who of Wesleyan through the years. Click here to see details of this beautiful tradition.
The traditions have been carried on by R. Daniel Hughes and his choirs. He is including other area choirs from the community as well.
Importance to Choir Members
The preparation of this music has been something that choir members through the years report being very challenging, incredible amounts of work, and one of the things they fondly remember most about their college years.
In fact, this particular year, two Choir Alumni came back to Lessons and Carols with choirs of their own students. Barbara Wygal Lutz, 1978, and Jeremiah Smallridge, 2007 (each a choir Giant in his and her own right) directed their students (who were absolutely amazing!) Barb’s group travelled to Buckhannon from Greenbrier East High School, and Jeremiah shares his talents and joy for music at Buckhannon-Upshur High School.
Barb Wygal Lutz, ’78, and her Choir from Greenbrier East High School
Jeremiah Smallridge, Class of 2007, and his Buckhannon-Upshur High School Choir
Importance Beyond Our Campus
This year the program was shared via Facebook Live so that those who are not in Buckhannon could see and hear this important tradition. As of this writing 1,670 people have been reached by the video post and there have been over 1,000 views. That number keeps rising, making this accessible in a wonderful 21st century kind of way. Comments on this feed have come from ecstatic alumni, parents of singers, and many others who were not able to be here in person. For those of you with Facebook, check out WVWC Creative Arts to access this video.
Many pastors who are alumni of the college report that they have similar Christmas programs in their churches, inspired by their experiences here.
Lauren Weaver and President Thierstein Light the Campus Christmas Tree
Following the Festival of Lessons and Carols we gather around the Campus Christmas Tree for the official lighting ceremony. This year was unseasonably warm and void of snow — but that is certainly not always the case!
Sing We Now of Christmas
With participants from across time, and with participants elsewhere, we bring in the Christmas Season on campus.
This year marks 50 Years of Christmas Celebration in Wesley Chapel, 38 Years of Festival of Lessons and Carols format, and the 100 Year Anniversary of King’s College at Cambridge celebrating in this way.