Born: August 25, 1912
Died: January 30, 1985
- 1936 A.B. Quincy College
- 1939 S.T.B. Boston University
- 1939 M.A. Boston University (Social Ethics)
- 1954 Ph.D. Boston University (Religious Education)
- Honorary Degrees from Adrian College, Concord State College and West Virginia Wesleyan College
- President of the College 1957-72
- 1929 Licensed to preach
- 1938 Ordained Deacon
- 1942-44 Chaplain and Professor of Psychology, Simpson College
- 1944-50 Professor of Religious Education and University Chaplain, Boston University
- 1950-57 Secretary, Departments of Student Loans, Scholarship and Personnel at the General Board of Education
- During his time as president, WVWC experienced a great period of growth. Wesley Chapel, Christopher Hall of Science, Benedum Campus Center, Middleton Hall, and five residence halls were added. In addition, the library was enlarged to nearly double the size, Haymond Hall of Science was remodeled, a wing was added to Fleming Hall, and plans were started for the John D. Rockefeller IV Physical Education Center. It was his vision and planning that resulted in the architectural style of the majority of campus.
- Catalogs
- Ministers of the West Virginia Conference, 1976
- Murmurmontis
- Pharos
- Dr. Stanley H. Martin Assumes His Duties as president of the College. [Sundial, 1957-03, p.1]
- “Remembering Stanley Martin” Sundial, Winter 1985
- Travelers on the long road, Volume 1, p.458-59
- West Virginia Conference Journals
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