Born: February 9,, 1880
Died: April 22, 1965
- A.B. Allegheny College, 1907
- A.M. West Virginia Wesleyan College, 1920
- A.M. Columbia University, 1929
- University of Paris. One year at Sorbonne and the Institute Phonetique University of Paris (where she lacked only part of her long thesis in pursuit of her Ph.D.)
Served: 1926-1946
- Dean of Women 1926-1932
- Faculty Committee: Class Absences 1926-1929
- Faculty Committee: Curricula 1926-1929
- Faculty Committee: Curriculum 1935-1936
- Faculty Committee: Discipline 1926-1931; 1936-1943
- Faculty Committee: Fraternity 1927-1929
- Faculty Committee: Fraternity-Sorority 1929-1931
- Faculty Committee: Freshman Week 1929-1931
- Faculty Committee: Library 1934-1946
- Faculty Committee: Religious Activities 1943-1944
- Faculty Committee: Religious Life 1926-1931
- Faculty Committee: Student Social Activities 1926-1931
- Assistant Professor of Modern Languages 1926-1927
- Professor of Spanish 1927-1932
- Professor of Spanish and French 1932-1940
- Professor of Modern Languages 1940-1943
- Associate Professor of Modern Languages 1943-1947
- Associate Professor of Modern Languages, Emeritus 1947-1965
- Charter Member of the Buckhannon Branch of A.A.U.W. (American Association of University Women). First president of that group from 1928-1930; 1933-35
- January – August 1929, Leave of Absence to work on Ph.D. at Columbia University
- Sponsor of International Relations Club
- Sponsor of Tallagewe Association
- Sponsor of Y.W.C.A.
- Sponsor of Student Volunteers
- Catalogs:
- Haught, p. 130
- Murmurmontis
PLM 10/22/2018