Born: 1867 in Illinois
Died: 1943
Studied under Mr. J.H. Kowalski of Chicago and Mme. Johanna Hessburr of Chicago and New York.
Assistant Professor of Voice and History, 1909-1910
Miss Owen, our new teacher of voice taught for the three years just past in the Alabama Conference Female College. Prvious to that time she taught in the Louisiana Industrial Institute (a school similar our own), in Belhaven College, at Jacksson, Miss., and in Hamilton College, at Lexington, Ky. She has taken voice culture under J. H. Kawalski, of Chicago, [Mr. Bush Iy], of Cincinnati, and Mme. Hessburr, formerly of Chicago; and has taken piano under Victor Garwood and Emil Lieblin. Miss Owen is widely experienced an unusally well prepared in her line of work. Her students are already persuaded that she is an enthusiastic believer in thoroughness and all are looking forward to a year of practical and telling work. [Note: parts of the text was cut off in the margins]. (The Pharos, 1909-10, p.15)
Taught at Winthrop College for many years.