Born: October 26, 1910 (Belfast, Waldo County, ME)
Died: January 24,2002 (Buckhannon, Upshur County, WV)
- B.S. Harvard University, 1933
- M.S. Harvard University, 1934
- Ph.D. Stanford University, 1941
- Curator of the Herbarium 1949-76
- Professor of Biology 1949-76
- Professor of Biology and Curator of the Herbarium, Emeritus 1976-02
- Taught Biology at William and Mary for three years before coming to West Virginia Wesleyan College in 1949.
- His avid collection of plant specimens began very early in life. There are a number of his early collections in the Herbarium at Wesleyan, collected as early as 15 years old.
- Catalogs
- Harvard University Herbaria and Libraries
- Murmurmontis
- Pages In Time: Rossbach Digital Herbarium
- Pharos
- 1949-10-11 (New Faculty)
- Sundial
- July 1976 (Retirement)
- University of North Carolina Herbarium: Collectors of the UNC Herbarium
- West Virginia Wesleyan College Bulletin, 1949-09 (New Faculty)
PLM 4/6/2019