- B.A. West Virginia Wesleyan College, 1966
- M.Div. Drew University
- Th.D. Boston University
- Honorary degrees from Albright and Lebanon Valley Colleges
- Admitted on trial into Western Pennsylvania Conference 1967
- Ordained Deacon and received into full membership 1967
- Appointed to attend school 1967-1971
- Ordained Elder 1969
- Member United Methodist Western Pennsylvania Conference at Union 1970
- Whitaker 1971-1977
- Pittsburgh: Smithfield Street 1977-1988
- Pittsburgh: First 1988-August 31, 1996
- Elected Bishop July 1996
- Bishop of Eastern Pennsylvania Conference 1996-2004
- Bishop of New England Conference 2004-2012
- Retired 2012
Where they Lived: Pittsburgh, PA
Years Served: 1982-1998
Special Positions:
- Third Vice President 1984-1986
- Third Vice Chairperson 1986-1992
- His ministry focused on urban youth, the poor, industrial workers, the homeless, the arts, young adults, and older adults with the goal of “making disciples of Jesus Christ.”
- Served on many community Boards, was adjunct faculty for Drew and Pittsburgh Theological Seminaries, produced weekly radio programs
- Helped found Bethlehem Haven for Homeless Women
- Helped to found “Once Voice Against Racism”
- Helped to found “Good Schools Pennsylvania” focusing on public education reform
- Delegate to General Conference in 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996
- The first President of the Council of Bishops to be nominated by the “discernment process” and elected for a two-year term (2004-2006)
- Council of Bishops Executive Secretary 2012-2016
- Served on the General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns
- Served on the General Board of Global Members
- Chair of the Mission Division of the General Council on Ministries
- Been an active member on the Boards of five colleges and universities
- Annual Conference Materials (2018) Peter Weaver, Speaker at Annual Conference 2018 Opening Worship.
- Catalog: 1982-1984 through 1996-1998
- Sears, Erin (2018) W.Va. Wesleyan College grad preaches at opening worship. (Conference Circuit 2018, Issue 1)
- Young, N.C. and Horner, N.K. (2017) Pastoral Records Western Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church 1784-2017. Commision on Archives and History.
- UMC.org
Related Pages:
- Adolph Peter Weaver, Trustee 1966-1971
- McGrew, P. L. (2018, June 11). Connections and Legacies: Sometimes You Really Can Come Home Again [Web log post].