Camden Avenue Complex

(1981) Groundbreaking held for new complex — After several years of (quiet) on the campus (in fact, it has been ten years since the new gymnasium was started) ground was broken on October 30 for the new Camden Avenue Residence Hall Complex. The project will encompass three separate physical structures including two small dormitory units and one towne house apartment building. There will be a capacity of 205 beds, but the net increase of new beds available will be only about 100 when the lounges, TV rooms and recreation areas taken over earlier for sleeping rooms are restored to their original use. The new housing complex will enable Wesleyan to relieve crowding and provide better quality facilities for her students, beginning in the fall of 1982. (Emeritus Club Newsletter, December 1981, p.2)

(1983) A new group of buildings, referred to as the Camden Residence Complex, was already in the planning stages when President Hal Latimer arrived in June of 1981. Townhouse and apartment style units for student housing were gaining popularity nationally at that time. The complex is named for its location on Camden Avenue. Due to structual problems, this building was razed during the summer of 2019.

Wind damage in April of 1982 threw the construction schedule behind.

But, despite it all, the buildings were completed and have housed many students for nearly thirty years.

(2019) Wesleyan Planning to Raze Camden Complex This Summer [Sundial Winter/Spring 2019, p.3] Wesleyan plans to begin razing the Camden Complex this summer. After a comprehensive facilities and budget analysis, College officials have determined the three facilities have become functionally obsolete. Over the past several years, the physical plant staff has devoted nearly 80 percent of their time and resources to addressing a number of serious issues with each of the three buildings. The Camden complex became a housing option for students in 1982. One of the facilities provided the only apartment living space on Wesleyan’s campus. In anticipation of razing the Camden Complex, Wesleyan has been renovating anumber of properties adjacent to the campus on Meade Street and College Avenue for apartment living. Wesleyan is currently engaged in a comprehensive strategic planning process from which a revised Master Facilities plan will be developed. That plan is expected to include a number of residence hall renovations that will likely impact Agnes Howard, Benedum, Holloway, Jenkins, and McCuskey Halls. In the meantime, the area where Camden East, Camden West, and the apartment building are currently located will be kept as a green space immediately after demolition.

(2019-07-01) Demolition of the Camden Apartments began. Built in 1982 as temporary housing, they served students for 37 years. Due to excessive maintenance problems, it was financially more efficient to tear them down. Green space is planned in that space for the present.

Further Reading:

Camden Avenue Complex: Housing for the Eighties (Sundial, 1982-83 Fall/Winter, p.7)

(2019) Camden [2019 DreamersAndGiants]

Flickr Album of Camden Complex photos