Christopher Hall of Science

By the 1960s, Haymond Hall of Science had become outdated, and Stanley Martin went out to let everyone know about the need for a new science building.

After hearing a sermon by President Stanley Martin at Wesley Methodist Church in Morgantown, Mabel Neville Christopher (1918) and her husband, Frank, a mine owner in the Scotts Run area, gave a substantial gift toward a new sciene building in memory of their son, Ward, who had died in an automobile accident in 1962.

Hyma Auditorium, the Planetarium, and the George Rossbach Herbarium are located in this building.

Architect’s Rendering of Christopher Hall of Science.

Architect’s Rendering of Christopher Hall of Science and Rockefeller Gymnasium (Larson and Larson)

Three Day Fete for Science Hall [Pharos, 1969-03-18, p.3]

(1967-03-31) Groundbreaking for the Christopher Hall of Science.

(1967-04-17) Construction started on the Christopher Hall of Science

(2019) A Moment in Time and Space [2019 DreamersAndGiants]