David E. Reemsnyder Research Center

The 23,000-square-foot David E. Reemsnyder Research Center was officially dedicated in the spring of 2010, making it the second debt-free construction on the campus after the Virginia Thomas Law Center for the Performing Arts. (Miller, page 110)

David E. Reemsnyder (Class of 1930), student, coach, faculty, and athletic director, taught here from 1935-1973. He coached 5 varsity sports, was Intramural Director for 32 years, and was the Director of Athletics from 1958-1972.


After graduation, David Reemsnyder earned an M.A. at Ohio State University and did further graduate work at the University of Illinois. He taught at a high school in Raleigh County, WV before returning to teach at West Virginia Wesleyan. One of his students there was a young man by the name of Robert C. Byrd. Senator Byrd was able to help secure federal funding for the Reemsnyder Research Center, and was pleased to be able to help his former teacher in this way.

Robert C. Byrd (center) with David Reemsnyder (right) are shown here with Dean William Capitan during a 1975 visit to campus.

Reemsnyder’s office on campus was in the Old Gymnasium, and inside the footprint of the Research Center bearing his name.

Groundbreaking Ceremony Program, May 2, 2008

Groundbreaking Ceremony Invocation by Ron McCauley (Class of 1959)

Flickr Album of photographs of the construction