Doney Hall

Doney Hall, the third of the dorms on the Quad, was opened in 1962 and named for President Carol Doney.

Doney, Carl Gregg 1910
President Doney, 1910 Murmurmontis

Carl Doney, President of the College, 1907-1915, advanced both academics and athletics during his term in office. Despite the low financial state of affairs he inherited, he presided over the building of the Old Gymnasium and Haymond Hall of Science.

(1960-04-22) The contract for Doney Hall and the addition to the rear of Fleming Hall was signed. Both were to be ready by fall 1961.

(1960-06) Growth and Expansion. West Virginia Wesleyan College Bulletin – Sundial, p.7.

(1962) Completed in 1962 by C.H. Jimison and Sons of Huntington, West Virginia at a cost of $839,373 for the building and $38,000 for the furnishings. The hall was named for Dr. Carl G. Doney, president of Wesleyan from 1907 to 1915. [Plummer, p.105]

Click here for more photos of Doney Hall. Construction photos are included in the album.