Publications – Katharine B. Gregg


Shefferson, R. P., T. Kull, M. J. Hutchings, M-A. Selosse, H. Jacquemyn, K. M. Kellett, E. S. Menges, Richard B. Primack, J. Tuomi, K. Alahuhta, S. Hurskainen, H. M. Alexander, D. S. Anderson, R. Brys, E. Brozosko, S. Dostalik, K. B. Gregg, and 17 other co-authors. 2018. Drivers of vegetative dormancy across herbaceous perennial plant species. Ecology Letters doi: 10.1111/ele.12940.

Light, Marilyn H. S., and K. B. Gregg. 2017. Long term tracking of terrestrial orchids – protocol and suggested approach. The Native Orchid Conference Journal 14(4): 2-17.

Gregg, K. B., and L. H. Klotz. 2015. Flora of Beavers’ Meadow, Barbour County, West Virginia, Revisited after a Quarter Century. Castanea 80 (2) in press. 14 pages.

Gregg, K. B. 2011. Recovery from bud disappearance explains prolonged dormancy in Cleistes bifaria (Orchidaceae). American Journal of Botany 98 (2): 326-330.

Gregg, K. B. 2007. Do orchids hedge their bets? You bet, and Cleistes can bet-hedge with the best! The Native Orchid Conference Journal 4: 1-6, 9-12.

Gregg, K. B., and Marc Kéry. 2006. Comparison of size vs. life-state classification in demographic models for the terrestrial orchid Cleistes bifaria.” Biological Conservation 129: 50-58.

Kéry, Marc, K. B. Gregg, and Michael Schaub. 2005. Demographic estimation methods for plants with unobservable life-states.” Oikos 108: 307-320.

Gregg, K. B. 2004. Recovery of showy lady’s slippers (Cypripedium reginae Walter) from moderate and severe herbivory by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimmerman). Natural Areas Journal 24: 232-241.

Kéry, Marc, and K. B. Gregg. 2004. Demographic analysis of dormancy and survival in the terrestrial orchid Cypripedium reginae.” Journal of Ecology 92: 686-695.

Kéry, Marc, and K. B. Gregg. 2004. Demographic estimation methods for plants with dormancy. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27:129-131.

Kéry, Marc, and K. B. Gregg. 2003. Effects of life-state on detectability in a demographic study of the terrestrial orchid Cleistes bifaria. Journal of Ecology 91:265-273.

Smith, S. D., R. S. Cowan, K. B. Gregg, M. W. Chase, N. Maxted, and M. F. Fay. 2004. Genetic discontinuities among populations of Cleistes (Orchidaceae, Vanilloideae) in North America. Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society 145:87-95.

Kéry, Marc, and K. B. Gregg. 2003. Effects of life-state on detectability in a demographic study of the terrestrial orchid Cleistes bifaria Journal of Ecology 91:265-273.

Gregg, K. B, and P. Catling. 2002. The genus Cleistes (Orchidaceae). Pages 510-511 in Flora of North America Editorial Committee (eds.) The Flora of North America North of Mexico. Volume 26. Oxford University Press, New York.

Catling, P., and Gregg, K. B. 1992. Systematics of the genus Cleistes in North America. Lindleyana 7: 57-73.

Gregg, K. B. 1991. Variation in behavior of four populations of the orchid Cleistes divaricata (L.) Ames, an assessment using transition matrix models. Pages 143-163 in Willems, J. H., and T. C. E. Wells [eds.], Population Ecology of Terrestrial Orchids. SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague.

Gregg, K. B. 1991. Defrauding the deceitful orchid: pollen collection by pollinators of Cleistes divaricata and C. bifaria. Lindleyana 6 (4): 214-220.

Gregg, K. B. 1991. Reproductive strategy of Cleistes divaricata (Orchidaceae). American Journal of Botany 78: 350-360.

Gregg, K. B. 1990. Protection of rare and endangered plants in West Virginia. Pages 7-24 in Buckelew, Albert R. [ed.] Endangered and threatened species in West Virginia. Special Publication of Brooks Bird Club, #2. The Valley Press, Inc., Wellsburg, WV.

Gregg, K. B. 1990. The natural life cycle of Platanthera. Pages 25-39 in Sawyers, C. [ed.], North American nativeterrestrial orchid propagation and production. Brandywine Conservancy/Mt. Cuba Center/New England Wildflower Society, Chadds Ford, PA.

Gregg, K. B. 1989. Reproductive biology of the orchid Cleistes divaricata (L.) Ames var. bifaria Fernald growing in a West Virginia meadow. Castanea 54: 57-78.

Gregg, K. B. 1984. Stress-induced ethylene production by developing racemes of Catasetum and Cycnoches — How orchids say, “Ouch!” American Orchid Society Bulletin 53: 50-56.

Gregg, K. B. 1983. Variation in floral fragrances and morphology: incipient speciation in Cycnoches? Botanical Gazette l44: 566-576.

Gregg, K. B. 1982. Sunlight enhanced ethylene production by developing racemes of Catasetum and Cycnoches and its relation to female flower production. Botanical Gazette 143: 466-475.

Gregg, K. B. 1978. The interaction of light intensity, plant size, and nutrition in sex expression in Cycnoches (Orchidaceae).Selbyana 2: 212-223.

Gregg, K. B. 1975. The effect of light intensity on sex expression in species of Cycnoches and Catasetum (Orchidaceae).Selbyana 1: 101-113