Dreamers and Giants and COVID-19
This week I have become aware of two Wesleyan graduates who have died of COVID-19. I am sure there have been (or are likely to be) more such losses. Each one is heart breaking. Each of them came to WVWC with dreams. Each fulfilled those dreams and touched many lives in the process.
Norm Moyer, Class of 1976
Throughout his years at West Virginia Wesleyan, Norm was surrounded by a host of peers and faculty members who encouraged, challenged, and supported him. Many of these folks have stayed in touch throughout the years.
In his obituary, we find this:
About a year ago Norm wrote ”Joy is my chosen mission and as John Wesley said, ‘The world is my parish.’ The bible says, ‘Rejoice, Again I say Rejoice!’ The middle of Rejoice is joy. The mission I have set my life path upon to travel is to bring JOY into everybody’s life to assist them in remembering an essential part of their humanity. …It’s my vocation.”
Michael Bari, Class of 1984
Michael Bari was born January 20, 1962 in Toronto, Canada.
He died on May 13, 2020 in Alexandria, LA

A member of the WVWC Baseball team, and Physical Education Major, Mike was active in many areas of campus. He was part of an intramural organization made up of members of various groups and teams across campus. They apparently were a force to behold, and were known as Hecklers II.
He had a very distinguished coaching career, incuding two years as the Women’s Basketball Coach at WVWC. I always enjoyed talking with him on campus! His other creative outlet was his Sports Radio Talk Show, which had an extensive following.
My heart goes out to the families and friends of these two members of the Bobcat family in particular, and to all of those who have lost someone to this pandemic. When reading the numbers of deaths on the news, it is so overwhelming. Each number represents a person. Each person has a story (or many).