Sometimes there are no words.
This week several messages of sadness and loss came – The Orange Line is hurting. Through social media, college emails, and then even national media we have learned of the loss of some of our WVWC family members.
Betty Barrick Furan, Class of 1979, died of a massive heart attack. She was a member of Kappa Phi while at WVWC and her friends remember such great times together. After graduation she also earned a Master of Divinity Degree at Drew University. She loved music.
K. David Rollins, Class of 1976 (seen here with the Sports Writers for the Pharos in 1976) was a member of the Council on Church Ministries and a brother in the Phi Sigma Epsilon Fraternity. He walked in the Orange Line each and every year during the Founders Day Convocation.
And then came the news that Daniel Stein, Class of 1969, was among those murdered at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill, Pennsylvania.
He was a new grandfather, and loved spending time with his grandson and cheering for his Pittsburgh Pirates and Pittsburgh Steelers. He was a leader in the Pittsburgh Jewish community, and was known for his volunteer work and generosity.
During his time at WVWC, Daniel was known for his infectious smile, kindness, and was well liked by those who knew him.
Daniel was one of two Spanish majors who graduated in 1969, and had a minor in Latin American Studies. He probably spent a good bit of time with Robert B.. Green, who taught Spanish from 1965-71. In addition, Dr. Fred Peterson, a world expert in Latin American Studies, would have been one of his mentors.

Stein was very involved with Intramurals, such as pictured below. Although the individuals in these pictures were not identified, it certainly shows the fun and the competition that was taking place.
Each of these members of the WVWC family was a beloved friend, a beloved student, a beloved classmate, a beloved colleague, a beloved family member. The WVWC community is weeping with all who loved them.
We also weep with the Jewish Community. The senseless violence against these people of faith has gone on far too long in far too many places.