Fall semester of 1918 was like none other — before or in the 100 years since.
The U.S. had entered World War I, students had left to serve, the War Department organized Student Army Training Corps to train soldiers – one of the 500 was on the campus of Wesleyan – and the Spanish Influenza epidemic caused quarantines.
Students who were “Over Here” were thinking about their friends “Over There,” and soldiers “Over There” were writing letters home to friends, faculty members, and to President Wallace B. Fleming.
Student Army Training Corps (S.A.T.C.)

Student Army Training Corp., 1918
The War Department organized Student Army Training Corps units in about 500 schools around the country, including Wesleyan. The purpose was to allow students to continue their education while finding and preparing those who would become officers. Click here to read the 15 pages of Rules and Regulations for these units.
On September 30, 1918 there was an Inaguration Ceremony for the 200 troops who would study and train at Wesleyan. It was held in front of the Administration Building, and simultaneous to other such ceremonies across the country. President Fleming and Dean Thomas W. Haught spoke.
Three Lieutenants were present: Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Fred Horton, Jr., Adjutant Cecil G. Gaston, and Personnel Officer Neal Y. Pharr. Adjutant Gaston read words of greeting to the men from the President of the United States, the Secretary of War, and the Chief of Staff.
The October 7, 1918 issue of The Pharos gave some great details and descriptions of the program and of the ceremony. Click here to read the stories in their entirety.
The soldiers were housed in the Gymnasium, then only six years old, which was converted into sleeping quarters and a mess hall for the men. The basketball court was fitted with army cots, and the mess hall was located in the basement.
Their days were regulated with four hours of class work, two hours of supervised study, two hours of drill, and a required 8 1/2 hours of sleep from 9:30 pm to 6:00 am. The girls on campus were quite interested in meeting some of these soldiers, but there were fairly strict policies that limited those interactions.
The Music Hall (now known as the English Annex) was put into service as an infirmary when the Spanish Influenza epidemic made an appearance on campus. Quarantines were put into place for both S.A.T.C. soldiers and Wesleyan students.
Armistice Day (November 11, 1918)
The glad news came that the war was over at the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month!
The War Department then disbanded the S.A.T.C. programs at the close of the term. The soldiers were able to be home by Christmas. Some chose to come back as regular students to the college during the next term.
Over There in the Fall of 1918
While all of this was happening here on campus, there were Wesleyan students abroad. They were on the battlefields and behind the lines. Several of them wrote letters to President Fleming, Professor Deck, and others at the school to let them know how they were doing. They were thinking of their days in Buckhannon as well. This issue of The Pharos was published just one week before the war ended.
Here are a few excerpts, and a link to the full letters:
W.H. Snedegar to President Fleming: “Just a few lines from one who, though far away, still carries with him pleasant thoughts of the past year spent at Wesleyan, and who still has the Wesleyan spirit running thru his veins. I was called for service June 24th, and on July 18 I was on my way to France.”
From Harvey Swisher: “I did not realize being an officer was so much superior to being a private until I began to travel, but we sure do get the best of service and treatment. Over here the officers are billited with French families, in good beds and with the finest of food. They are all very interesting and courteous to us. I am learning to speak French very well, and I think after a few months here will be able to carry on a fluent conversation.”
Also from Harvey Swisher: “We get our gas masks and steel helmets soon. The helmets are rather heavy, but one soon gets used to them. I am well clothed, have good shoes and boots to keep me warm and dry. I do not want you to worry, as I am getting along fine and am very able to take care of myself.”
From Grant Swisher: “I am glad to hear that old Wesleyan is going to have a military course this fall. I know that it will bring many new students to school. I wish you all the success in the world for the coming school year. I am well and getting along fine. We hope to be up where we can get a few Germans soon. Do not expect to stay away from the old U.S.A. so very much longer.”
From Edwin Krick: “We are in the trenches from 8 p.m. until 6 a.m. It is a long and weary night, but the shells keep us busy moving around. I get a little sleep now and then, but have to be on the lookout for gas, as it is the thing we fear most………”No doubt you read a good deal of what is going on over here, but you do not get the facts. I have not gone over the top yet, but our time is at hand.”
The War Issue of the Murmurmontis (1920)
The 1920 edition of the Murmurmontis was designated as the War Issue to pay tribute to all of the things that had occurred, the lives changed, and is a record of things that somehow went on as usual during this remarkable time. It is certainly worth the time to look through it!
Some of the men did not return from the Great War, and are honored in this publication.
One of these was Lieutenant Roy Earl Parish, who was the subject of an earlier post to this blog. You can read it here.
Remembering All Who Were Involved
The world had never seen anything quite like it before. Celebrating 100 years since the end of World War I, and the chance for those involved to return to the lives that were interrupted.