DreamersAndGiants 101

101st Consecutive Weekly Blog

On January 8, 2018 I posted the very first of the DreamersAndGiants Blogs.  It was appropriately titled Registration Day and New Beginnings. In it I thought back to the days in the 1970s when registration was done via computer punch cards.

It also invited readers to take a look at my new website, DreamersAndGiants.com. The purpose of this new venture was to tell the stories about WVWC and the people who have studied and worked there through the years.

Today, I am amazed to discover, is the 101st consecutive time I have posted an announcement that Monday = Blog Day. No two of these have been alike. They consist of things that I have run across during the week or something that I have always wondered about. Many of them have been about people. Many are about buildings or things on campus that we generally just don’t notice in our busy lives.

I have been asked why I always use the DreamersAndGiants term without putting spaces between the words. Two reasons, really. One is that the url treats it that way. The other is that it is impossible to tell the Dreamers from the Giants.

People Who Have Worked And Studied On Our Campus

People Who Have Walked Where We Walk

Learning and Teaching

Throughout this process of creating a webpage and a blog to share the stories, I have learned a great deal: about the people, about the school, the resources for finding out more about the school, and about myself.

I have been teaching this information in courses on campus as well as a couple of times online.  More and more of the required readings have come from these blogs!  To take this course without actually taking it, you could simply read through these blogs – your very own DreamersAndGiants 101! The full list of the blogs can be found here.

Lots of Stories Left!

After 100 blogs, I have barely scratched the surface of the stories that are to be found. Our buildings, our faculty, our students, our alumni, our organizations and athletic teams all have so many! I have a long list of things still to explore and share. Several of you have given me some ideas to add to that list.

As we enter Thanksgiving Week 2019, I would like to thank those of you who have been reading along. Many have subscribed and receive an email notice when a new one goes up. Also, I am thankful for the rich heritage that we share and the chance to know more about it.  

As I mentioned way back in that first Blog, it took us well over a century to get this far, and it will take a while to gather all of the stories.


To read more about the people and events that have made West Virginia Wesleyan College great, check out https://DreamersAndGiants.com.

Compilations and Chronologies

The other day I was talking with a good friend. She said that she enjoyed reading my DreamersAndGiants blog. (That’s great to hear!) When I asked her if she also enjoyed the website, she looked a bit puzzled. Website? What website?!?

This week marks the two year mark of my retirement, and so I thought it would be a good time to take a look at DreamersAndGiants….the progress that has been made and the pathway to the future.

Early Inspirations: Lists

At the very beginning of the project, I really just wanted a place to put lists of things. Things that I had to keep looking up over and over again…..Who WERE all of the presidents of the college over the years? What year was the Annie Merner Pfeiffer Library built?

Lists take some time to compile.  And they tend to lead to more lists to compile.

  • List of all of the faculty throughout the years — which leads to wondering what they taught, which ones were alumni of the college, who served on what committees……another list!
  • List of all of the trustees throughout the years — what committees did they serve on, who were the officers, what were the major issues during their times of service?
  • List of winners of various awards — or spring sing — or homecoming queens…..

At first, DreamersAndGiants was just something I did to help satisfy my own curiosity. When retirement became an option, that just gave me even more time to find out things. One of the first things I had to find out was how to create a website. Luckily, my years of librarian training came in handy as I began to put together something that helped me collect-organize-preserve the information as I found it. Soon, though, it became clear that others were interested in knowing some of these things as well. So, I added a blog as a supplement to my website to highlight stories, people or information and to look at very familiar things with an eye to the back stories. They are published each Monday morning. The full list can be found here.

Taking Another Look

Being an amateur creator of websites, I wasn’t sure that it was sustainable. I called upon Jon Benjamin (who teaches website design among other things) and asked him if he would critique my website. He did, made a few suggestions, and then completely turned my perspective around. He told me that what I had was not a website with an added blog. It was a blog with an added website. What????

And, he was exactly right.

What had started out as a place to store lists became an endless source of material for telling the stories of the people and events of WVWC.

The Chinese concept of yin and yang is all about how things that may look very different may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent on each other. Just like the website and the blog — or the blog and the website.

The information about the people and events had stories that needed told.

The stories needed information about the people and events.


Chronos (time) and Logikos (reason or order) — putting things into order by time.

This is a way that I have begun organizing WVWC History for courses that I teach on the topic. It is a way of thinking about things in terms of before and after. Here is one example. It is a combination list and chronology which I find myself consulting over and over again. One of the first was the Chronology of Buildings.

So which did come first? President McCuskey or President Wark? Click here to find out!

Spring Sing Winners Through the Years is one that took a lot more work to complete than you might imagine. It required digging through Murmurmontis yearbooks (which no longer exist) and newspapers and Sundials. More recent ones even included digging through Facebook and college press releases. No matter how excited people get about these winners at the time of the event, it seems that by the next week/month/year it is hard to remember for sure.

New chronologies are being developed in the background that haven’t yet been posted to DreamersAndGiants (the website). Here are a couple of examples. They are in the very early stages, so consider these a sample of coming attractions.

This Day in Wesleyan History (which was largely developed through the work of my class in June term of this year. It is likely to grow quickly in the next few months. When it is robust enough, I will post it to the website).

Alumni Adventures is one of the newest being developed. The alumni magazines throughout all of the years have included information about the things people did after their days at WVWC. This one is in the experimental stage – and only includes entries from a small number of issues, but is one that could really help to tell the story of the impact of our alumni on the world.

These types of documents are being considered for a vast number of areas of the WVWC story…..each department, each sport, each organization, speakers and concerts and plays and…….

Ironically, all that is stopping all of them from being done is TIME!!

Honoring Our Community – Building Our Community

In the past several months, our campus community has lost two people who were very much considered Giants. People who worked hard, cared deeply, and had what seemed to us to be extraordinary energy. Dr. Rob Hull and Dr. Allison Hull (no relation as far as I am aware) both died very suddenly. People that we thought would be here for many years were suddenly just gone.

This entire project of DreamersAndGiants is meant for just such loss. It is a place and a way to remember all that they did for their students and for the college. Sometimes I am asked why I run the words together in this way. Two reasons, really. First, because that is how the url is formed. More importantly, it is very difficult to find a Dreamer who is not also a Giant, and vice versa.

Moving Forward….One Baby Step At A Time

There is a lot to collect – organize – preserve – and share.

It sometimes seems a bit overwhelming, but I have some secret resources. Student interns and volunteers are stepping up to help discover more about the history of their school. There are some alumni and campus colleagues who are also pitching in. Working together, we can make a lot of progress!

We can build our community while discovering and sharing our history.

If you are reading this, you have already discovered the Blog. Be sure to check out the website as well. It is always under development, and always developing. One baby step at a time.

Stories Lurking Everywhere….What Do You Know?

Seminary Building 1890 Catalog Drawing
Drawing of Seminary Building in 1890 Catalog

I just finished teaching a month-long course in WVWC History. We learned about the buildings on campus: when they were built, who built them, who helped to fund them, who are they named for, and more. We learned about some of the Giants who have been here before us, and the work that they did. We learned that some of the people we see every day now are actually doing things worthy of the title of Giant.

Sometimes, as students turn in their assignments, they express things like, “Mind. Blown.”  Sometimes they say things like, “I am so proud of MY SCHOOL!” The more they learn about the past of WVWC, the more they tend to appreciate it in the present. They feel connected and grounded in this community.

We (incuding me) are sometimes surprised by what we find, such as this article in the May 9, 1946 issue of the Pharos.

Clipping 1946-05-09 Student Marries Princess
Pharos, 1946-05-09

Stories like this one lead to more questions……where did they meet? What happened later? Her kin being the wealthiest in Tehran, it must have been an interesting time for her to be living here!

[Note: Because I really was curious about these people, I did some further research. They apparently met while both students here. James graduated with the class of 1962 and Shamsi in 1963. Although she was a very successful business woman in the area of Real Estate, she was also known as a linguist (spoke five languages), had medical training, and they both worked at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi. He was 82 and she was 75 when they both were drowned in their home during Hurricane Katrina]. SunHerald, July 8, 2015 and updated January 13, 2016.

Or this one found by one of my First Year Seminar students last fall:

Clipping 1945-03-15 Hallam Resumes Teaching
Pharos 1945-03-15 

I was stunned. Although I had long heard about Professor Hallam, who began teaching here in 1928, and I knew he taught Mathematics here until he retired in 1973 this was news to me! Never had I heard that there was a time that he spent 27 months preparing pilots who would be deployed in World War II. This article was right next to one reporting the death of a student who had been here for two years before being called into the service. His name was William Watts, and he was from Durbin, West Virginia and was killed in action on January 23, 1945.  Read more about him here.

Hallam, William A.
Photo of William Hallam, by Howard Hiner

Personal Connections

During spring semester, one student let us know that she was a direct descendent of Agnes Howard’s sister. One boy found Letters to the Editor in the 1960s Pharos which his grandfather had written concerning the draft during the Viet Nam war — and letters written in response. Mind. Blown. Another girl found photographs of her grandmother being crowned May Queen.

Primary Sources Are Powerful

The primary sources which help us to find these things are available online for all to use. Here is a list of them, and some worksheets that I prepared for the students so that they could learn to use them. Enjoy them! And, you don’t even have to do the assignments and turn them in unless you want to.

Books (Online)

Haught, T.W. (1940) West Virginia Wesleyan College: the first fifty years.[electronic]. Retrieved from Internet ArchiveBuckhannon, WV: West Virginia Wesleyan College.  Available in the Annie Merner Pfeiffer Library.

Haught, T.W. (1950) West Virginia Wesleyan College: the sixth decade 1940-1950. Typewritten copy. [electronic] Retrieved from Internet Archive.

Plummer, K.M. (1965) A history of West Virginia Wesleyan College 1890-1965.  [electronic] Retrieved from Internet Archive. Buckhannon, WV: West Virginia Wesleyan College.

Books (Print Only – available in the Annie Merner Pfeiffer Library or through the Bobcat Den for $40)

Miller, B.T. (2014) Our Home Among the Hills: West Virginia Wesleyan College’s First 125 Years. Virginia Beach, VA: The Donning Company Publishers.

Pages In Time

  • Performing Arts Programs (in progress)
  • Pharos (so far up into the mid 1970s)
  • Photographs
  • Programs
  • Sundials (so far through 1960)

Worksheet for Pages In Time

Internet Archive

  • Catalogs (from earliest days on)
  • History Books (the Haught and Plummer books)
  • Murmurmontis (1904-2010)

Worksheet for Internet Archive


  • An online encyclopedia, and celebration of the people who have studied, taught, and worked at WVWC. This is very much in progress, with more being added regularly. And, fittingly, the students are involved in the process of the discovery.
  • Brings elements together from all of the sources above in order to tell the stories.

Worksheet for DreamersAndGiants

Enjoy the exploration! And the stories!