Foolishness and Fun


April Fool’s Day

The first day of April has long been celebrated in many European countries as a day for sportive impositions upon unwary persons. There are various theories held as to the origin of this custom, but it is commonly believed that the idea was introduced into Germany from France. There is a possibility that the day originally had some religious significance as it comes during the Lenten season and may have been the occasion of some miracle play. Still other people have connected it with the occasion of some pagan festival.

Americans consider the day with a more humorous attitude, and to them it is a day for joviality – a day when thousands of fools pay their respects to their renowned leader, Simple Simon. The followers of this world famous figure are numerous, and they are to be found in every country.

April 1 is the anniversary of the person who thinks that a football coach has wheels or that the sidewalk is a new dance step.

It is the day when one’s amount of sportsmanship is put to a severe test, for upon this occasion a good sport must expect and exuse any and all kinds of harmless foolishness.

The above, written by Katherine Curran (Reemsnyder) for the Pharos in 1927, is an indication that this day has long been noted on campus.

Curran, Katherine (Reemsnyder) Freshman 1927

p.s. No fool herself, Katherine eventually married classmate David Echols Reemsnyder and, when she died in 2013 at 104 years old, she was Wesleyan’s oldest alumna.

In late March of 1928, and again in 1929,  the Social Committee of the Faculty joined with the Administration to hold the Annual Spring Frolic in the gymnasium. It was advertised as “a social affair for the entire student body.”  Lasting from 8:30 pm to 11:30 pm, the college band was there to provide music, and various groups on campus provided stunts and masked games in keeping with the general idea of Fool’s Day.

Dances have been held, such as the Sigma Eta April Fool Dance, held in the Lions Club hall in 1940.  This fraternity, chartered in 1925, became Theta Chi in 1950.

In 1947, the Pharos staff issued the following invitation:

April Fool Party Invitation from Pharos Staff 1947

The word Fool can be used in many ways. It can mean a person that acts in an unwise manner or in a silly manner. It can mean someone who falls for “Fake News” and is (or should be) embarrassed by this. As Katherine suggested, this can refer to people all over the world, and I love her indication that they are all followers of Simple Simon!  Rather than April Fool’s Day (about one single fool) it should actually be April Fools’ Day to celebrate them all.

Simple Simon