101st Consecutive Weekly Blog
On January 8, 2018 I posted the very first of the DreamersAndGiants Blogs. It was appropriately titled Registration Day and New Beginnings. In it I thought back to the days in the 1970s when registration was done via computer punch cards.
It also invited readers to take a look at my new website, DreamersAndGiants.com. The purpose of this new venture was to tell the stories about WVWC and the people who have studied and worked there through the years.
Today, I am amazed to discover, is the 101st consecutive time I have posted an announcement that Monday = Blog Day. No two of these have been alike. They consist of things that I have run across during the week or something that I have always wondered about. Many of them have been about people. Many are about buildings or things on campus that we generally just don’t notice in our busy lives.
I have been asked why I always use the DreamersAndGiants term without putting spaces between the words. Two reasons, really. One is that the url treats it that way. The other is that it is impossible to tell the Dreamers from the Giants.
People Who Have Worked And Studied On Our Campus
People Who Have Walked Where We Walk
Learning and Teaching
Throughout this process of creating a webpage and a blog to share the stories, I have learned a great deal: about the people, about the school, the resources for finding out more about the school, and about myself.
I have been teaching this information in courses on campus as well as a couple of times online. More and more of the required readings have come from these blogs! To take this course without actually taking it, you could simply read through these blogs – your very own DreamersAndGiants 101! The full list of the blogs can be found here.
Lots of Stories Left!
After 100 blogs, I have barely scratched the surface of the stories that are to be found. Our buildings, our faculty, our students, our alumni, our organizations and athletic teams all have so many! I have a long list of things still to explore and share. Several of you have given me some ideas to add to that list.
As we enter Thanksgiving Week 2019, I would like to thank those of you who have been reading along. Many have subscribed and receive an email notice when a new one goes up. Also, I am thankful for the rich heritage that we share and the chance to know more about it.
As I mentioned way back in that first Blog, it took us well over a century to get this far, and it will take a while to gather all of the stories.