Awards and Awesomeness


How do I know this? Because I have seen them in action. In the assembly on Saturday, awards were presented for Academics, Arts, and Athletics. There were Outstanding Writers, Researchers, Musicians, Dancers, Speakers, and Teachers. Marketers, Economists, Political Scientists, Historians and Humanitarians. It was impressive. As the students went forward to receive their certificates and plaques, I had a wonderful feeling that the world would be just fine with them in charge.

As if that was not proof enough, I have also seen them in action giving presentations, singing and playing in concerts, and on the athletic fields.  I’ve seen theater productions, dancers, and students organizing and leading worship services in Chapel and on Ash Wednesday.

West Virginia Wesleyan College was founded by the Methodists in 1890, and has long nurtured and valued these qualities. It is what makes us who we are. Today marks the 50th Anniversary of the date that the Methodists and Evangelical United Brethren Churches joined together as the United Methodist Church. As I was reading through this wonderful list of 50 Reasons to Celebrate the United Methodist Church, I recognized that tradition in our students. The celebration is the same!

To name just a few of the things that I recognized:

#1  John Wesley

#5  So many amazing kids, doing so many acts of kindness for their neighbors

#7  Young Adults sharing their gifts

#11 Care deeply about climate

#16 Promote ecumenical dialogue

#23 Use their talents to praise God and grow in their faith while inspiring others with their music

#31 To alleviate human suffering and advance hope and healing

#34 Volunteering in relief efforts around the world

#37 To address the mental physical and spiritual well-being of all

#29 To remember our role as stewards of God’s earth and care for creation

#40 Taking a stand against racism

#42 Wesleyan Heritage which put an emphasis on “practical divinity”

#47 Social Principles and Social Creed

#50 Our history, which gives us roots and can inspire us today

I think that the Founders would be proud!